Autochartist - a useful tool for modern day traders
How it works

Autochartist uses advanced algorithms to analyze real-time and historical price data, identifying key technical patterns such as triangles and channels and does this 24/7. It provides you with insights into price volatility and helps you to mitigate risks ensuring your trading is safe and responsible.

Based on historical data

Autochartist provides you with historical performance statistics to identify chart patterns. This data allows you to review how specific patterns have behaved in the past, aiding in the evaluation of their effectiveness.

Keep up the pace

Autochartist is now a common trading tool, and you should utilize it if you want to keep up with current trading standards and navigate markets with confidence. You can use it on your smartphone so you're always up to date. Whether you're at your desk or on the move, stay connected to the market and never miss a trading opportunity.

Use it responsibly

Despite the massive advantages autochartist provides, you should always keep in mind that at the end of the day it's your money and you make a final decision, and this tool is just here to help you so responsible behaviour with your assets is always valid.

Opozorilo o tveganju: Pogodbe na razliko so kompleksni instrumenti in prinašajo veliko tveganje hitre izgube denarja zaradi finančnega vzvoda. Pri trgovanju s pogodbami na razliko pri tem ponudniku denar izgubi 91.79% računov malih vlagateljev. Razmislite, ali razumete, kako delujejo CFD-ji, in ali si lahko privoščite tako veliko tveganje z izgubo denarja.