Sadnja stabala - jesen 2023
Po drugi put ove godine, predstavnici brokerske kuće Wonderinterest Trading s.r.o. u suradnji s projektom Sázíme Česko sadili su drveće u blizini Praga. Jesenska sadnja organizirana je 6. studenog 2023. Tim od 20-ak ljudi predvođen direktorom Matejem Homolom taj je dan posadio 1.500 novih stabala. Nakon napornog dana, energiju su vratili prženim papalinama. „Projekt smatramo iznimno uspješnim, jer smo ove godine očekivali da ćemo posaditi najmanje 10.000 stabala, ali smo već u prvoj polovici godine tu brojku uvelike premašili. To dokazuje da ljudima nije svejedno za okoliš. Jako...
Tree planting 2023
The brokerage company Wonderinterest Trading Ltd also joined the green initiative, joining forces with the Sázíme Česko project. The company will plant one tree for opening an account and for every $1,000 deposited into a client's trading account. The first spring planting took place on 24 April 2023 near Prague with the participation of approximately 40 members of the company's team. Despite the rainy weather, they managed to plant approximately 1,000 trees. For cooperation, we choose partners for whom long-term responsibility for life on the planet is a priority. This value is also...
Forex Trader Summit in Dubai 2023
24. 5. 2023: Wonderinterest Trading Ltd., one of the world's leading brokers focused on modern financial instruments and online trading platforms, has been named The Best Retail Forex Broker. This was based on a survey of all investors who attended the Forex Traders Summit 2023 conference in Dubai in May.
AAU Konference
The Anglo-American University conference brought together economists from Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic, in addition to Olivia Lacenová, Wonderinterest's chief analyst, to discuss whether the EU budget reform has a chance of passing and, in particular, whether it can be effective, i.e. help reduce the debt of the member states.Olivia looked at the question from the point of view of our clients, i.e. investors and traders in the financial and capital markets. She used the example of Greece and its budget crisis to illustrate how the debt crisis approaching default has damaged...
Fazzaco expo - Dubai 2022
More than 52,000 votes resulted in achievement of the first prize as the Best Mobile Trading Broker for Wonderinterest Trading Ltd. Fazzaco Forex Expo took place in October 2022 in Dubai, one of the world’s major hubs for trade fairs and conferences held for investors and traders.“Mobile way of life has also fully seized the world of online investing and trading with financial assets. People simply want to trade from everywhere and always keep an eye on their markets. That is why I am happy about receiving specifically this award among other world’s top brokers,” commented the...

Upozorenje na rizik: Upozorenje na rizik: CFD-ovi su složeni instrumenti i imaju visok rizik od brzog gubitka novca zbog financijske poluge. 88.24% računa malih ulagatelja izgubi novac tijekom trgovanja CFD-ovima s ovim ponuditeljem.Trebali biste razmotriti razumijete li kako CFD-ovi funkcioniraju te možete li si priuštiti preuzimanje visokog rizika od gubitka novca.